Southern Pacific #18 restoration June – July 2016

Machining the cylinder head

Yes we’re still here and we would like to apologize for our tardiness in updating this website. Despite the lack of an update, you haven’t missed too much work progress.

Since our last major work weekend in late April there have been some very small here and there work parties to wrap up some minor jobs, the cylinder head, cab windows, and air leaks. The list of things still to do is about a half a sheet of paper. With that said we will still have a couple of more big work days in August and September to really finish things up.

Over on the building side things have gone very well. We have all the permission we need, FINALLY, and a good portion of the funding. We will be letting a contract for the building and dirt work after July 15th. If all comes together as expected the locomotive should be in its new home by our annual fundraiser BBQ on October 15th. Make sure you mark your calendars, it should be an event to remember with a special treat that will be announced in the coming months.

Finally, some photos from this years July 4th parade in Independence. Thank you all for your continued support as we near the finish line.

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