#18 has been busy! On May 22nd our little locomotive headed the first revenue steam train into Silverton since October 2019. Paired up with the D&SNG’s much larger K37 class #493, the duo pulled 15 cars and over 400 passengers. As best as we can determine, this was the first time #18 had double headed since February 1938 when it headed the final train out of Mina, NV.
Many, Many thanks to one and only Jerry Day and the great Olaf Rasmussen for the following photos:

After that first trip, #18 had a little hick-up the following day when one of its lubricator lines plugged up and it only went as far as Cascade. The issue was quickly remedied and #18 subsequently assisted engine #493 on five more, consecutive, 15 car long doubleheaders, each time pulling over 400 people! With D&SNG engine #480 ready to enter service, #18 will now become the primary backup locomotive. #18 is truly earning her keep and making a honest living.
While we are in the process of putting together at least one special trip with #18 in early August, there are still just a few tickets remaining for the super special #493/#18 photo charter on September 2nd and 3rd. This will be a once in a lifetime event so don’t miss out! Tickets can be purchased here.
And lastly, here are a few shots of #18 at Cataract Falls taken by the highly talented Anthony D’Amato, WOW!:

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