This was the first work weekend since the removal of the drivers. The major focus was to clean up the “shop”, the drivers, and the engine frame.
As Charlie Cross describes it: “Basically, during the weekend, we cleaned up the frame, measured all the crank pins and journal surfaces on the axles and removed the Keeler made – farmer repair – lateral hub plate. Also, all the driver boxes and shoes and wedges were cleaned. The tool and train sheds were cleaned and organized as well. Good housekeeping! It was a dirty job, but Rick, Scott, Marty, Dave, Doug, Bob, Gerry, and I did it.”

Meanwhile, the left steam pipe – which goes inside the smokebox – and slide valve were returned from the welder’s. The pipe had partially rotted out while the valve surface had worn unevenly (due to misalignment) and had to be built up. They’re both made of cast iron – not easy to weld correcty – so the bill was over $5000!.
All in all this was just one of those mundane work sessions that when added all up makes the project happen.
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