For the third year in a row we had our annual BBQ fundraiser the last weekend of September. Before the food though came the work…..Work was focused on removing the old steam dome studs, and cleaning some of the piping, not many pictures though. After the work came the food and fun, and lots of it!
Fire up the beast…and…out comes the chicken!
Meanwhile, our master chef, Doug Mull, was turning out the tri-tip steaks, the beans, and the absolutely sensational coleslaw. In fact, the food was so good that we ran out. We just couldn’t give the folks enough of what they wanted.
Doug also advised Doug Dumas on the design of the barbeque. Amazingly, Mr. Dumas and his son built it in one summer of after hours work…using mostly scrap parts.

The Peavine Pickers provided the music. Just like last year they were terrific…as you can tell from the reactions of some of our guests

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