Happy 2024 to everyone! Your humble part-time webmaster would like to apologize for a lack of new website content in the later part of 2023, rest assured we have not been inactive and plan to hopefully get back to providing more regular posts.
Looking into 2024’s crystal ball, we have a few goals we are looking to accomplish. First and foremost of those is to wrap up our maintenance of #18 and hold a public steam up in Independence in late summer 2024. Believe it or not, it will be our first public steam up in Independence of #18 since prior to covid. Along with wrapping up work on #18, we will be making a big push on the boxcar 1C restoration with the goal to have it at least three-quarters complete by year end. Lastly, we will be working with our friends at the Eastern California Museum on some long range plans on outdoor improvements to the museum grounds and interpretive signage. To get started on everything, our first work weekend will be held in Independence over the last weekend of January. Hope to see you there and we all look forward to a prosperous and productive 2024!
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