Its almost time! #18 will be back to Laws this month, if you don’t have your tickets, its time to get them. We look forward to seeing everyone out there on March 18th, 19th, 25th, and 26th.
In preparation for #18s trip north, the guys had her fired up one last time in Independence. We’re all ready to go!
Clear your calendars and get your tickets for the #18’s first visit to Laws in five years! The Slim Princess Sisters in History 140th Anniversary.
To get prepared for #18’s road trip to Laws, we had a very productive work weekend at the end of January. #18, had some valve packing issues worked on (although not, as of yet, successfully), had the firing valve improved, the fireman’s injector worked on, and was steamed up to check generally everything out. #18 also made its first every trip down the recently completed Klusmire extension near the museum building. It was a beautiful winter weekend in the shadows of the snowy Sierras!
In addition to work on #18, we really made some headway on boxcar #1C’s restoration. Thanks to all of you, we were able to raise over $12,000 dollars before the end of the year to match our grant. Thank You! If you didn’t get a chance to donate, you still can, and your donations will continue to make a difference. To donate click here.
And if that’s not enough, Gary Johnson worked on, and Bobby Babcock hauled, our 1925ish Model TT truck back to the city where the Long Beach Model T club will get it up and running. This TT truck is special in that it worked out at Natural Soda Products in Keeler for its entire working existence.
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