Southern Pacific #18 update – March 2018

Late February had the long anticipated boxcar swap take place. The CRRW and Laws had discussed for some time swapping a fixed up boxcar #13 for one of the cars in the Laws boxcar village. This trade benefited both groups in that Laws received a freshly painted car with a metal roof that would look good and be better storage while the CCRW received a car, #15, that was complete with couplers, brakes and truss rods that would be easier and more cost effective to restore to operation for use in Independence.

Thanks to Dave, TL, Cody and all the Laws folks for making it happen. Now we can get to work restoring #15.

Upcoming in March will be the FRA visit for the #18’s annual. We will also continue our track laying and hope to move boxcar #6 into Dehy Park.

Finally, we are finalizing a few dates in 2018 to operate the #18. Most likely August and October, Final dates will be announced soon. Thanks as always for everyone who helps out!

Southern Pacific #18 update – February 2018

An unseasonally pleasant last weekend in January allowed work to progress on the engine house lead. Grading, switch installation, track laying and rail installation all took place. Next time around we will complete the switch, spike everything and ballast and tamp.

In addition to the track work, the #18’s washout plugs were reinstalled and the loose firing valve was disassembled and repaired. Also accomplished was the painting and lettering of boxcar #13. This car will soon head north to Laws in exchange for one of their cars from their “boxcar village”. Lastly the Clamper plaque that had been in Dehy park was moved to the museum building.

Our next work weekend will likely see the FRA annual completed and a boxcar moved into the Dehy park site.

As always thanks for your support!