Southern Pacific #18 – October 2019

Before we get into all that has happened in the past few weeks lets start with a reminder that #18’s Welcome Home party is scheduled for November 2nd. Food, music, a presentation of the year in Durango and of course #18 will all be happening, RSVP’ing on the ECM Facebook page is greatly appreciated.

Now as for the happenings of the Carson and Colorado trucking company. Thanks to Rosser trucking we performed three separate moves in three states over three weeks! First was the tender which departed Durango on the 4th of October. On the 10th, #18 departed Durango, while at the same time the tender was being unloaded in Independence. On the 13th, #18 was unloaded in Independence. Lastly, our new boxcar, #354 was loaded on the 16th in Northern Idaho and was unloaded in Independence on the 18th. An enormous amount of credit goes to Brandon Rosser and Rosser trucking and all the guys in Independence for setting up the ramps and rails to make it all happen. THANK YOU ALL!

Southern Pacific #18 update – September 2019

Jerry Day’s shot of eight locomotives, seven of which are under steam!

September 4th was a historic day in Durango as seven locomotives were together under steam, including our #18! A week later on the 10th, #18 made its last trip on the D&SNG. Jerry Day filmed this video from the cab of #18 on its trip south.

Now that #18’s work in Durango is done, it will receive its annual inspection and will be trucked home to Independence in the coming weeks. On November 2nd, #18 will be under steam back in California for a “Welcome Home” celebration fundraiser at the Eastern California Museum. Be sure to make your plans to be there!

In other exciting news, the Carson and Colorado, along with Sumpter Valley Railroad have acquired three former SP boxcars form the Silverwood Amusement park. The cars are complete with trucks and all their hardware, altered only by time since the day they left the SP in 1960. One of the three cars, #354 (Nee #1C), will be coming to Independence for use with #18 at the ECM. Working with our good friends at Rosser trucking, #354 will be heading south from Idaho in mid October. Your donations are greatly appreciated to help fund the move, and ultimate restoration of this historic car! And again, don’t forget to come out to the ECM on the 2nd of November to see the car.

Boxcar #354 as seen at Silverwood, Idaho in August 2019