With #18 away in Durango, the guys celebrated our countries Independence in grand style by unfurling a huge American flag at the train barn on July 3rd. Craig Leck’s drone took some awesome shots of the flag.

The following day on the 4th the flag was carried down highway 395 in the annual parade while four veterans rode in the 1943 Available firetruck. Independence is truly proud of our nations flag!

Meanwhile, back in Durango, our #18 continues to work in doubleheader service. Its next scheduled dates of operation (always subject to change) will be July 14-16, and likely a few select dates later in July as well. Be sure to take a ride if your in the area. Many thanks to the indelible Olaf Rasmussen (photos with 480) and Jerry Day (photos with 493) for kindly documenting a couple of #18’s June trips!

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