Photos of restoration work fom 2013, cab was rebuilt and drivers work.
Completed cab.2013. The back of the completed cab, 2013. Interior of cab.2013. Interior of Fireman side (Left) of cab. Left piston with new rings going in. 2013. Cylinder head going on. Forest Newman looks over the grinder. Nearly finished Marty and Forest after a job well done. Finished and painted, ready to head back to Independece Rebuilt bolster installed Putting the wheels in tram with the frame In front of the old Mina ice house At Montgomery Summit Drivers leaving Independence Sand blasting parts. It took five of us to remove and lay down. New cylinder head. Pony truck ready to head to Colorado. Disassembled pony truck Scott Shaffer working on the johnson bar reach rod. Fire box tube sheet with new tubes going in.2013. Fire box door after some body work. 2013. The double seated poppet throttle valve after installation into the steam dome. 2013 Dave Mull and cut tubes to the propper length for later rolling. Front tube sheet with tubes sticking out. Look carefully at the right side of the photo.
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